Welcome to Anna Hone Music

Thank you for stopping by! Music has always been a big inspiration for me. For the majority of my life, I always enjoyed performing other peoples music. Most recently, I have had a desire to create and share my own with you. Learn more about my journey by clicking below.


My faith is part of who I am. I believe that music has been a talent given to me, and a way I can express and share my love for Jesus Christ. Most recently, I have started writing Christian music for all ages to sing and share with others. I believe singing hymns can help strengthen testimony, bridge gaps, and heal hearts.


All music expresses life's deepest emotions. Whether it expresses a feeling, or reminds us of a core moment that defined our lives. I bet you will never forget the first concert you attended, or how that certain song on the radio can take you back to a specific time or place. Sharing music is sharing part of who you are, and I hope mine can radiate with you.

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